Capture and Death of the notorious Bushranger, George Armstrong, alias
Loughman, per ship 'Norfolk.' - This man, who for some months past, had been
the terror of the Windsor district, and who evaded the most active and vigilant
of the Police of these districts (both horse and foot), has at length been shot
by a mounted trooper. On Wednesday, the 15th instant, it was strongly suspected
that the Roman Catholic Clergyman was in the frequent habit of visiting this
marauder. Accordingly, on Good Friday last, after an early mass, his Reverence
mounted his white stead and directed his course to the Kurryjong, being quickly
followed by the Police, who had ascertained that he was going towards Stinson's
farm, where they lost sight of his Reverence, but still kept a sharp look out;
the Priest had an interview with the bushranger for an hour, and used every
persuasion to induce the unfortunate man to surrender himself and accompany him
to Windsor. He also pointed out Good Friday as a remarkable day, being the day
on which Our Saviour gave himself up to the Jews, who put him to death; and
that should he resign himself into the hands of justice it might be better for
him both here and hereafter, by repenting of his sins. These words having been
spoken very impressively by his Reverence, they seemed to soften the hitherto
callous disposition of this daring and desperate offender, that he even shed a
flood of tears; he soon however recovered possession of himself up, and kept a
good look-out all round him. The Priest again pressed him hard to give up his
pistol, which he had in a belt round his person, and go with him to Windsor. He
replied, "I will not give myself now, nor will I be taken alive; but I
will meet you on Thursday next, and bring the Police Magistrate with you, and I
will give myself up to him then." The Priest then became quite angry,
and told him he was a most hardened and incouragable fellow, and told him the
first policeman he fell in with on his returning home, he would tell where he
was to be found, and have him apprehended: Armstrong, not suspecting his
Reverence would put his threats into execution, kept his ground, and about half
an hour afterwards the Priest fell in with the police, who were directed to the
spot: they waited there about an hour, when they heard a man coughing
repeatedly; they advanced a few paces and found him sitting behind a bush with
his back towards them; they then challenged him, and ordered him to surrender,
he replied "Yes". He got onto his legs, and drew his pistol
from his belt, and was preparing to fire on the police; one of the policemen
snapped his pistol at him, which burnt priming: he then attempted to run away,
when another policeman fired at him and shot him through the back - he fell,
and requested the police to finish him and put him out of pain. He was taken to
Stinson's house and expired shortly after. The following day an inquest was
held on the body and a verdict returned accordingly.
- From our Windsor Correspondent.
Two of the Windsor police being disguised on Thursday last, went out on
an expedition towards the Kurryjong in search of Armstrong the notorious
bushranger: when at the Kurryjong, they observed a man (as they thought)
carrying a bundle; suspecting that he might be going to visit Armstrong, and on
advancing towards and questioning him, and inspecting the contents of the bag,
found it to contain woman's apparel, and the person with whom they were talking
was no other than a female prisoner of the Crown, absent from the service of a
man at Bathurst; she was immediately escorted to Windsor, and underwent
examination there before the Police Magistrate, but nothing material was
elicited. Jane confessing herself to be a runaway, and that she absconded, and
that she was fully determined to see her husband, who she stated to be in the
service of a person living near Kurryjong, and her master refused to give her a
pass, she, to use her own expression, "determined to bolt".
She had on at the time of capture a coarse blue jacket, and corduroy trowsers,
a pair of old boots, and walked lame. a check shirt and straw hat was also worn
by the prisoner; and when seen it was strongly suspected she was no less a
person than the notorious Armstrong. After examination she was remanded to the
gaol, where the very proper and necessary orders previously given by the Police
Magistrate were carried into effect, by an entire change of wearing apparel.
- From our Windsor Correspondent.
The same issue of the Sydney Gazette carried the following stories:
A short time since the man Armstrong, alias Lukeman, who has been so
long the terror of North Richmond, took a double barrelled gun from Mr. T.
Bell, which he had the impudence to leave a day or two since at the residence
of A. Bell, Esq. M.C.of Belmont. It appears that this man is to be permitted to
roam at large, plundering travellers, without any effort being made to take
him. The magistrate of the district wrote to Colonel Wilson, to request that a
certain constable might be sent up, who was acquainted both with the man and
the district, but this was, we learn, refused.
- Correspondent.
Colonel Wilson makes it a
part of the duty of the constables to go to his house twice on every Sunday,
for the purpose of being paraded, by which means the whole of Sydney is left
without protection for some hours. Marauders have only to mark the time to levy
contributions upon the public with impunity. Surely, if parading is necessary,
it might take place in each district, and not withdraw the whole civil power at
once from the streets.
(from the Sydney Gazette of 28th March, 1837)
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